Re: I thought I was going crazy. New candida diagnoses, feel so alone.Please read.
I think you would probably need zink ,as it helps with candida, depression, imsomnia,immunity,and balance copper which you may have too much as you used birth control pill, but it`s easy to get copper toxity even without pills and its common problem also, copper has also effect on candida for better and worse,the key is i think to have litle good bioavailable amount of copper and same time eliminate the bad copper ,which is easy to say than do, but zink is one . If you have a lot toxic copper then taking zink can feel like you just go a lot worse,becouse it mobilize the toxic copper.I think copper problem many times runs on family,and the next generations get more and more copper so it`s like inherited phenomenon usually also, so if you have copper toxity issue then your kids will most likely have it too.The
Antibiotics you taked caused havoc on intestines.
So if there is a copper toxity problem it is not easy nor painles to fix it, but for sure your body will have lowered immunity just becouse too much copper will prevent zink doing it`s work, and when out immunity is lowered it is easyer for yeast to do bad things.
for balancing copper :
I think taking liposomal glutathione could help you more quickly at this point, becouse it helps with copper toxity and other heavy metal toxity. Molyblenum and cysteine are helpfull for candida die off, those help body eliminate acetaldehyde ,glutathione also helps remove acetaldehyde. But generally you should need all nutrients to help body,like magnesium ,selenium etc.
Yes our gut is the second brain, so if it is not working good out brain capacity is lowered big time, but heavy metals also prevent brain/mind to work normally, so i would throw adderals and anti-depressant out of windows and focus to the real cause ,gut and heavy metals & nutrional defiencys.
It`s difficult to get candida on control if have copper & heavy metal problem, so it do things more difficult .
I think these are helpfull:
-Candidate :
-Thorne formula sf722
-Latero flora ( Bacillus laterosporus )
-Bacillus Substilis
-Bacillus Coagulans
-agrisept l
-Coconut oil
- lots of probiotics dayly
-Oregano oil mixed with hemp seed/olive oil
But i think getting the gut back on balance is not just done byt killing yeast and taking probiotics, i think the good flora needs also food to really grow and populate the gut enough,so prebiotics and fiber are important, but since i have not yet started taking prebiotics much myself, i dont want to encourage much using them , i need test it myself first before really telling how it work on yeast.
It`s great that you do coffee enemas, it flush out candida and parasites
Try taking zink before going to bed, it might help to get sleep, but it can also cause the opposite if it mobilize copper too much, test and see.