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Adrenal Fatigue and sleep
Need2Bfixed Views: 1,360
Published: 10 y

Adrenal Fatigue and sleep

For the past year since adrenal fatigue kicked in, I haven't really had uninterrupted sleep. First it was an intense insomnia, then I would wake up several times during the night or take too long to fall asleep but since I've started liver flushing, I've been feeling more drained and sleepy and my sleep cycles returned back to normal - I could sleep an entire night without waking up in the middle of it. it feels like a more refreshed sleep. I fall sleep very quicly - does this mean I'm recovering or if I'm feeling more drained and sleepy does that mean that my adrenal fatigue is getting worse?

I'm not sure if disrupted sleep or insomnia is always present in adrenal fatigue sufferers.

either way, it feels good to be able to sleep normally again


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