I began the candida diet on July 18th so 13 days ago and I began taking candigone antifungals and drinking pau d'arco tea twice daily starting the 21st. I began to get pretty intense die off symptoms as expected. I've been taking milk thistle to help my liver deal with the toxins. I'm not going to go into detail about every single supplement I'm taking because there is so much... However the reason I'm writing this is because my die off symptoms have gone down. I had a really sore and itchy throat with a cough and tons of green mucus/phlegm that I was coughing up along with diarrhea and other die off symptoms but now my poops look pretty normal and I don't feel as bad anymore. I have been very strict on the diet but have included brown rice. Do you guys think maybe that is the one thing I am doing wrong and it is causing the die off to slow down? I have read that die off symptoms don't always last that long but I can't help but think maybe I'm doing something wrong. Also, is the candigone and pau d'arco tea enough antifungals or should I be taking something specifically for parasites and yeast too? What is the best way to flush everything out? Any advice is appreciated I don't want to drag this out any longer. Just want it to be over with. I have been very disciplined and patient throughout this healing process. Thanks guys.