Mercury poinsing, sulpher sensitivity, candida, or ALL??? PLEASE HELP!!!
Hello guys, I just have been putting together a timeline of events. My problem may not be candida, but it maybe mercury poisoning or a sulpher problem. A little over a year ago when I fell ill, I remember I was drinking spirulina powder(smelled horribly) and taking MSM powder.
I went to the doctor sometime later, because I felt I was urinating like I should. Everything came back fine far as my kidneys, but he found strep in my throat, and I had NO symptoms of this, and none during or after treatment.
Anyway, I took the
Antibiotics for 10 days, and on my 7th and 8th day I doubled my doses just to get done sooner. Probably wasnt a smart idea. days after that I started experiencing frequent stools, but not water, and on the lighter side, and no appetite. This went on for a few weeks, and finally I was just really weak, fatigue, plus light colored, soft stools. My appetite oddly was bad, as I didnt have much of one during the day, but ate a lot at night as when I got hungry. This went on for a month or two.
Starting doing probiotics, and improved, but not back normal far as my digestive system. I have continued to improve, but the past two weeks I have ate fish everyday. Some can mackeral, salmon, and mostly tuna, plus oysters everyday. I noticed symptoms started returning far as digestive, and cold intolerance, plus cold hands and feet. Looking back, Ive always ate a lot of fish, canned and fresh.
However, I also started taking glutathione which is sulpher. I also had a reaction with NAC, which is sulpher. Ive tried taking MSM which they say is good for gut problems, but it gave me a reaction each time. Mercury, sulpher, candida, I just dont know, and my doctor thinks im over thinking it, but shes not in my body!
Please guys give me some input, experience, opinions, and suggestions!