Re: Statement contradiction
If people would do some "REAL" research and follow the evidence as they say in CSI-the questions would be answered. Take a look at this:
Rockefeller Anti-Fertility Vaccines Exposed
-The 1935 Rockefeller Foundation annual report acknowledges funding Dr. Corner’s research: “To the University of Rochester, for research on the physiology of reproduction under the direction of Dr. G. W. Corner during the threeyear period beginning July 1, 1935, and ending June 30, 1938, there has been appropriated the sum of $9,900. Dr. Corner’s activities are concentrated on a study of the oestrus cycle, using monkeys as the experimental animals. A colony of about thirty monkeys has been maintained, and experiments have furnished information on the normal histology of the reproductive cycle, the time of ovulation, the relation of ovulation to menstruation and other anatomically detectable correlations of the oestrus cycle. Work is continuing on two main lines: normal sex reproduction in the monkey, including the histology of ovary and uterus, and, secondly, the effects of the ovarian hormone.”
-PRESS RELEASE: CDC Covers Up Influenza Vaccine-Related Fetal Deaths: -
-Recombinant Birth Control Vaccine:
-Abortifacient Vaccines: Technological Update, Hazards, And Pro-Life Appraisal
-Contraceptive vaccines targeting sperm
March 2005, Vol. 5, No. 3 , Pages 381-392 (doi:10.1517/14712598.5.3.381)
Anil Suri
National Institute of Immunology, Genes and Proteins Laboratory, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, NewDelhi-110067, India.
Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?
Vaccines have been used covertly for decades to induce infertility or miscarriages. To prevent the populace from catching on the ingredients in the vaccine allow the female to conceive but when hormone levels reach a certain level, the pregnancy will abort itself as designed.