Sounds like the parasites were reacting and affected by the Wormwood complex. They start either dying or running from the herbs. If you going to attack them you have to open the escape route,,, the colon. Colon Cleanse get debris and junk out the way. You have to make sure you are regular at least 2 bowel movement a day. Lower bowel balance pills are good or laxatives.
I had the itching in the lower leg for yrs. ,, right near my ankle. I think it was from them and their toxins trying to get out the body thru the extremities,, foot etc. Itching may be from toxins trying to leave out the skin since the liver and other detox organs may be overwhelmed.
Lots of info on the forum, read a lot and drink lots of water. Look up ivermectin as well, it kills them and lessens the scatter. Also must cut down on sugar.