I have been a vegetarian for over 15 years. Originally for moral reasons (I read John Robbins "Diet For a New America" and couldn't stand the inhumanity of the factory farming business). Later I learned I was gluten intolerant and allergic to dairy. Well for years I had lived on pizza and lasagna. So for last few years I have been mainly raw or vegeatian indian food. I have eaten fish for the last few years as I felt I really needed protein. Part of me finds that gross as I really beleive if it has a face and eyes it isn't food. The other part of me is screaming for any and all dead animals.
My son does muscle testing and he said I am severely protein deficient. I am on day 6 now of my 2nd cleanse. I did 8 days and then came off for Christmas and then started again. I was going to go 14 days and am thinking maybe to stop at 10 days due to the protein problem.
Also, any suggestions on what to do when I get off? My son suggested testing on yogurt and cottage cheese that are organic as maybe I won't be lactose intolerant to those and they aren't dead animals. I'd sure welcome help.