Opinions Please - Necessity of Full ICU Protocol Again?
I did the full ICU Protocol late last year with severe herxing.
This resulted in clearing my whole body, head and legs of mites.
I also took six weeks of Doxycyline.
The tops of my feet were the mothership of the infestation and the sores never completely resolved.
After three months I felt some nips.
Since, I have treated with Ivermectin regularly and used topicals such as Advocate, soaking with washing soda & sulphur, Ivermectin rubbed in and moxidectin rubbed in.
I just finished 13 days of the ICU protocol again.
I was very nauseous and needed Stemetil 4 times a day to cope.
N.B. I use Moxidectin in place of Ivermectin.
Ideally, I would like to move to Moxidectin alone now. To avoid the nausea.
I was considering a plan of five days Moxidectin every two weeks as per Sharkman's plan.
My concern is that I still had a nip today. Today I have taken nothing.
Sharkman & anyone else, could I please have your opinion.?
1. Do you think I can afford to go onto the 10 days off and then 5 days on Moxi now? (I dont even know if the 'nips" are nips or nerve damage, probably will never know.
2. Do you think it would be foolish to not do another lot of Albendazole? Weighing the nausea against the limited area of possible infestation.
I am on Bactrim and have another course of Doxycycline I can take when this is finished.
Of course, I will continue to soak my feet. The Sulphur and DMSO is being put on daily. It soaks right in and disappears. I am using a liquid sulphur which I paint on with a brush. I have DMSO in a roll-on which I put on first.