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Re: hyperinfection sequence
Flossy Views: 1,057
Published: 10 y
This is a reply to # 2,261,063

Re: hyperinfection sequence

vch...You just don't get it. People do not post their words for your interest, they post them for you to follow something of what they did.

It seems as though you are using the forum as a way to communicate, keep yourself in touch with people and share stories.

It is not for that.

It is to share treatment. To ask questions and follow direction.

To take some of it and put it into practise DAILY. If you put as much of your focus into buying and taking proper anti-parasitics as you do into posting, that would be taking ACTION.

You are not following direction or suggestions or taking action.

Take action. That means buy proper anti-parasitics and take them every day.


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