Re: the intervue
nice conclusion as a thought.
But now let us find those teachers who lives separate from what they teach because they themselves are not in that what is truly desired to themselves and also be in that side. they are teachers for a job for a show but not in reality from the being or experience itself, it is just a thought as if itself the thing of life, as desire as life itself - attraction is important in the mind for the eye but not for the perception of the true eyes opened, just in the mind in a dream that thoughts can think and desire but not realize or see true with real eyes.
we are not trusted to what we feel as natural perceiving and even seeing it the ultimate unquestionable good as natural body, to truly Love is not trusted at all - because then who would have power?
See how the one who wants to control looks to be important and for himself and other to himself. it is one side and then to reality one has to jump into the abyss or dark hole not into his loved body or flesh, natural creation of himself - where is the Love for life?
they want us to belief in magic or ideas and in the result just a belief, just ideas again and again and no more flesh because it is a sin and that spirit in the mind in prison waiting for the center or government-men's false security destructive in the first and last time, a permission to life, you see they own our life, choosen people by that king who hate himself, or his deluded devils down to just ideas, general and to part you and me as whole part of the whole, not just in the mind in the mind of them evil controllers. it is in mind and in the other mind that is seen with senses body and true spirit of God the creator and that conscious you see outside with honor as real result for life sake.
we have to not wait for other to make law and see us evil to each other as if to protect us. this is evil that wants to live out of problems itself and no real solution allowed for the self to do it help himself, herself or itself. we are suppose to be stupid so that they make themselves important each first a job but not doing also for the self, just a job for money, just a lie, magic, only in the mind in prison their box to us and control. and now they say it is more easy to kill then control.
where is the teacher of religion to protect from the protection side, real to reality, where do we live? the teacher like only ideas and not the body or flesh, only spirit and no embodiment because no love, only living in the mind with the only eye. he does not like God creation just also seeing it two eyes. he is in the system and blind like others to teach the blind just to see in thoughts made out of intense desire and dying trying to satisfy for like sake.
we have the right for the life, not even need to fight for it and so losing it, some win, right, who. where is love to life for all? ask them.
well, may be they would make fun of you or me and if not then run or isolate or kill you. now they like to spray us so that we would not take their money or power or their destruction command becoming a rock or a stone, or a bomb or missile or idea. nice spirit. coming to body, hide the body please it is flesh and not good, why, ask the spirit, it tell every one what it is. except that intelligent movement, oh yea, perception, not only thoughts. but not loving both, man world vs planet. oh yes, God, the living One, scared, yea, devils. that video is very good, chrisna's.
such question to quest for the truth and life scare people who do not care for others seeing them with eyes open, always from a group and dark out of one sided protection.
Can we have permission to come down to natural body and so bodies and nature around and beauty and health and clarity and joy of life and winning not from losing, one dimension to another.
my friend Am not pointing what I am expressing to you. not personal. I love the truth. and life.