Re: My husband is divorcing me bc of this illness
I wanted to pass on my sympathy for you as well...I have been fighting
parasites for almost 3 years now. My SO of 38 years turned into someone else when I acknowledged my problems and started treating them.
I think the
parasites are easier to deal with than his initial reaction was. He has gotten better in the last year, but only to the point of 'tolerating' my efforts to rid myself of the invaders. Plus, trying different protocols and buying horse meds, or ordering online where they have made them at least accessible costs money. I can't work, so there's that issue especially if what you bought didn't work.
Of all the people who are in my life, no one has been understanding but rather consider me 'off my rocker' so I have no support except for the people on this site and a big thank you to those who remember me from way back!
Try to hang in there, I know it's not easy to do...but over the years I have learned that ignorant people will not help get you better and being in a toxic relationship will only make things worse.
Keep fighting and best wishes to you.