I just saw your post while searching online for help regarding my massive dental bone loss and gum recessions. I'm 44 and my situation is probably much worse than yours. I have no cavity but 95% of my tooth roots are showing, and there's hole between all my teeth.
Have you found anything helpful in your search since you posted this? I've started taking supplements like calcium and vitamin c, have not seen any comeback yet.
Your runs are related to the vitamin c intake. Check your dosage and reduce a bit. Read about NBT (near bowel tolerance) for vitamin c intake.
Can you post any helpful pointers you found? I'll do the same. We need this support. Don't be depressed. It will only make matters worse. I know it's easier said and done, but try. Try to help people with something you can do, that will take your mind away from your own problems. That's what I've been doing.