I have gum recession that started about 3 years ago after I had my braces removed. It started in my upper back molars. Food would get periodically stuck up there and I would usually ignore it because I didn't think it was a big deal. I was 20 at the time. Then I noticed that more food would get stuck there. That's when I noticed that my gums were receded and I had gaps/black triangles in my upper back molars on back sides. It's been that way for years now.
In the past year, my upper front gums were beginning to recede. My gum line is uneven. I've developed black triangles in all my front teeth and it's very unsightly considering I only just turned 23. Food would get stuck in these black triangles whenever I would eat. I have to carry floss with me everywhere.
My old dentist was not worried about my gum recession. He said that it was due to aggressive brushing which was not the case. I saw the other dentist in the office and he said it was due to my braces and again, not to worry.
My new dentist who is also a periodontist also tells me that I have nothing to worry about now and that my gum recession is related to my braces. I apparently have normal gum recession on par with my age. There's nothing normal about black triangles and gum recession at 23.
My gums have been constantly bleeding for years now. I've had cleanings but they haven't helped. In fact, my dentists did not even mention the bleeding as a problem until I asked about it. My gums have only recently bled less and I'm unsure why.
I have exposed roots as well. If I'm not careful rinsing, I would get sharp pains in three parts of my mouth. It's very different than simple sensitivity. I see my roots and the gum recession, I'm very worried that I'm going to lose these teeth.
I suffer from
Depression as well. It's gotten better this year. But because of this, my current gum problem makes me very unhappy. I'm afraid and ashamed to smile which I used to love to do. I'm afraid to eat in public because I would get food stuck in my teeth. I can't chew as well anymore because of the food getting stuck in my molars. I've mentioned gum grafts to my current dentist who is also a periodontist and he thinks that I don't need it yet.
My father has dentures already and he's not 60 yet. But he drinks and smokes. My mother had gum disease and she had to scaling. She also has black triangles from that but much more severe than mine. She's in her 50's though. I'm still in my early 20's and I'm afraid to smile.
I've tried almost everything to stop my gum recession and nothing has worked so far. I've increased my vitamin C intake. I take CoQ10. I've recently started oil pulling with coconut oil. I'm getting the runs though so I'm unsure if it's related. I've stopped using conventional toothpaste. I don't have any cavities.
I've never had any issues with my mouth until I had braces. I used to not brush my teeth all throughout junior high school because I hated the taste of toothpaste. Yet, no cavities or gum problems.
Can anyone help me? I really need my gums to grow back. I'm convinced that gums and bone can grow back until the right circumstances. But how long would that take? And what are the right circumstances? I don't want to lose my teeth before I turn 30.
Who has had success with regrowing their gums and their bone? Can you tell me your methods?