Day Seven, Slice of Heaven
Bueno, day seven already! Where the heck did this week go? I have been a leeetle quiet on account of we just sat thru a hurricane, no net for five days... Just checking in in an attempt to liven up this dang
Master-Cleanse forum, which used to be the cat's underwear! I don't know if it was a hot fad at the time or what, but people are missing a trick if they don't look into this amazing, simple, cheap, elegant cleanse that can prevent problems, heal problems... whew! Must investigate.
Technically I have to move to the Modified
Master-Cleanse forum because what I wound up doing this trip is a water sandwich. I drank juice for two days, water for three, now back to juice because I have to work for the next couple of days and water doesn't support the kind of activity I need to produce... I am still shooting for ten days, Sunday, then a good strong break starting with OJ, then soup.... mmmmmmm, soup!!
Already dreaming about soup.
Anyhow I think I will open another subject to remind everyone about the EASY DANG SWF, about a million times better than the standard issue. Took me a couple years to think of it, but so glad I did.
My best to all out there in juiceland,