10 y
please help...dizziness and cortef
Hi, this is my first post here. I am desperate to find an answer. in February 2015 I had a 4 point saliva test done which showed massive lows and I was put on Cortef.
I've tried every dosage up to 30mg/day and I get dizzy and nauseous, and shaky. higher doses give me bad headaches. When I wean down I get horribly dizzy and shaky, then I bump my dose up and feel good for a couple of days then the dizziness, shakes and nausea begin again.
It kind of reminds me of a junkie type reaction, my body just asks for more and more even though a lot is floating around. I had a saliva cortisol test redone at 25mg/day and my levels were 5 times above range so my Dr had me wean down to 15mg. I've tried the gamut of dosages, currently I take around 10-12.5mg/day (7.5mg in the morning and 5mg at noon) if I take some later in the day I get insomnia so I limit my doses to earlier in the day.
Why aren't my adrenals shutting off if I have too much cortisol at 25mg a day? I also have 2 homozygous mutations for glucocorticoid resistance does this impact the cortisol levels on a saliva test? Are my cells not getting the needed cortisol? I've been scouring the internet and can't find cases like mine. My Dr is getting frustrated with me.
I take sole water for electrolyte balance every day. My aldosterone came in low but the Dr is not medicating it for now. I am optimal on my thyroid meds (combo of Naturethroid and Cytomel) I plan on asking my Dr about looking at blood
Sugar issues. Any insight or suggestions are welcome, thank you.