Wow.... you really have some sort of grudge. I am a manager at game stop haha. You need to relax off this... for real. My only knowledge of these two people and the product is from my own personal research and communicating back and forth with them for awhile now with my questions I had before coming to my purchasing decision. Whatever your problem is with them is your business and you shouldn't spread hate in a positive community where people are trying to heal themselves and if people want to try a product who are you to get in their way? Did these people personally kill your cat or something? Did you try their product and it not work and you didnt get your money back? Maybe explain why you hate them so much and then I could try and understand your side of the argument on this because ive seen you all over on other posts whenever people bring up their website or anything pertaining threelac or symbion, maybe you yourself are a provider of these products and are resorting to mudslinging tactics to try to get more customers? At this point I have no idea what your prerogative is and thusly, I see no reason behind your utter hatred for these two people.