Hi doc and tomi, nobody special and I are not the same person, not sure where tomi got that. Nobody special and I have had some discussions and I do hope that he/she can find what they are looking for somewhere but this is probably not the right place to look (no offence to any of the posters here, it's just a little bit all over the place around here). I completely believe in Christ and don't doubt Christ or God the Father or the Holy Ghost. My only prayer is that those who have transformed the Gospel of Christ into the gospel of man will see the error of their ways and repent. Just as the girl in the video was doing so much harm in the world, spreading her hate and ego all in the name of Jesus, until she repented and changed her ways and decided to actually do what He said to do.
Tomi, whatever experience you had to go through to get to where you are now was worth it, have done the same myself.