Many called, few chosen... Obedience and humility?
Good post on the ecclasia!
I find the teachings a lot of places to be softening the image of living for Jesus with a ''soft focus''
We're called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, how does that match up with sunday-service ecumenical congregations? (Note that Wikipedia cautions that ecumeism shouldn't be mixed with inter-faith movements, but I'm sorta throwing them in the same boat here.)
Could it be worded, ''many are called but few //choose//?''
Are chosen-
Hrrmgh, it can work both ways. Few show the willing and obedient heart that humbles itself before God (Yahweh), and in that perspective, are chosen?
Paul's writings still give us a lot of issues in the congregations which have not grown up with mosaic patterns built into the culture and laws.
The message about the food you eat not being the defining factor of your status of salvation is a clear one, but should the life habits of Jesus (Yahoshuvah) not be the pattern of our days as new creations and adopted sounds and daughters?
You wrote yourself, ''imitation is worship'' which I agree with wholeheartedly.