Re: Restuarant soups
Hi Rowan,
I too broke my cleanse on the evening of day five with a soup. I was in a situation much the same as yours, but fortunately, I was at a sushi place and I was able to order Miso with tofu. I ate the whole thing, including the small bits of tofu (maybe 5 or so). It was so wonderful!! I never had any side effects from it and went right back to my cleanse. I am now on day 9, doing great, planning on at least another 5 days, although I have a field trip with my daughter's school next Tuesday in which I will have to choose some sort of soup again.
I am a vegetarian, so this may be a problem, I'll just have to wait and see....
Congratulations, and don't beat yourself up about it too much, sometimes these things just can't be avoided, especially with the holidays coming up.
Happy cleansing!