Not said much here about my life over the last 3 yrs, so here goes
Dec 2012, in a state of delirium, I was rushed to the hospital where they took off my gangrened big toe in emergency surgery at 2:30 am. My fever was almost 105.
Systemic staffB was what the delirium from fever was all about.
I found that I was diabetic and it was quite bad, A1C showed a 90 day average of 300-400 blood sugar.
How on earth did plzchuckle get in this shape? Trying to find my own answers to those kind of questions is why I haven't been here handing out advice.
Some of you will remember I had taken a horrible tumble from my addict in Dec 2007. I didn't seek medical help and ignored everything those around me were saying. Folks, I've not been well and myself since!! What did I damage?? A lot it would seem.
In early 2012, I sought MH's help with blisters on my feet and fasting and herbs were doing the trick, but heal one, I'd get another. The big toe on my right foot was the 4th one that yr. I started a new job where I was getting up at 3:30am. I didn't feel like taking care of my foot and would realize I was at work not even having taken the herbs that I knew had worked 3 times before. Nobody's fault but my own. It took all of 10 days from starting that job with a toe that was getting better by the day to having it removed.
In short, if you're going to be your own dr, be diligent!!!
Because my children are allopathic and paying my bills I opted to take the meds to control my sugar but even in the hospital, I went completely vegan. They had to cut my meds in half. I have roller coaster kind of diabetes. It will be very high today and dangerously low tomorrow. With dr's approval I take my meds prn, as needed.
My kidneys got in bad shape, like headed for dialysis. I refused meds for it. The # is "below 30." This time last yr, my alburin/liver blood in my urine was 356. 6 months ago is down to 166. Yesterday, it was 84. My friend that took me to the apt was trying to talk me into the med. I glared at her in front of dr and asked what part of meds are acidic don't you understand? She went to argue and the dr told her that what I'm doing it working so leave me alone.
As this week progresses I know I'm gonna be eating more organic, fresh fruit and getting another step closed to my clean body again.
I truly believe what I wrote all those yrs ago here about Holistic Lifestyle!!