I rarely ever know what a person is going through and 99%+ I never ever see or learn their first name. Maybe 1 person every 5 years I will remember their first name and a last name, but that is very/very rare and I most likely will have seen that person quite a few times---so maybe better stated 1 person every 8-10 years.
I have never had a diabetic person correct their problem or normally ever know they tried a little and amazed how those with heart issues, cancers and prostrate issues never ask/try herbal methods and the pregnant women who can benefit the most rarely seek herbs and all these categories are too scared to trust herbs/them selves and seek to trust those with the white coats.
I always have said herbs are at best 1/6th the solution, because we have to stop/undo the past that lead up to the current time.
Your story takes me to PAGE 164 of my book is a perfect example of a lady that visited Dr. Hulda Clark a few times and we met her at a Clark seminar and got to know her, her story and before she died, she sent me her pictures to use some day…..in my book I have 100 pictures---al of which I could speak for hours about telling the "story". Everyone's picture/story is an education for the future generations to learn from………we need to learn from the mistakes of others, as well as the success of others. The old medical books and a few herbal books supply allot of facts.
Medical today does not get worried, they "know" they own everyone…the public school education has created enough peer pressure upon all, that when in fear, everyone crawls to medical.
Was Dr. Hay, M.D. incorrect when he cured or showed 63,000 people how to cure them selves and he wrote that at best, he could have used his surgery skills to cut off access cancer, but chose to never cut again and proved all surgeries were not required in treating human health…….WELL, that is something everyone has to play out and decide for them selves for 1 very simple fact----all these past authors are just that: PAST.
Once on the dope, I know this; the herbs do not work to keep the body pain free---something as simple as a common aspirin is use of extreme dope as far as liver health and human function goes----take an aspirin and the liver is so toxic, nothing works correctly. I learned this first hand with the amish that had broken bones, but were not crying in pain--because they had not taken any pain drugs/dopes of any kind and when my times came, with no drugs in my body, the herbs worked correctly and i could stay pain free…….something I would have never believed was possible if I had not seen it and then experienced it.
Dr. Hay wrote that he could cure the most severe case of diabetes and modern medical authors have wrote that they are helpless to help the diabetics because they are their worst most enemy and always refuse to follow medical instructions and their diet created the problems.
I early on was lead to believe worms & stones in the pancreas to be the cause and eventual death to all modern day humans….a subject I have never read in any book or source to this very day….yet I 100% believe every adult human pancreas is loaded with worms and stones…a true cause for human death.
Dr. John R. Christopher made it very clear who/why as did Hay and many medical authors---some coming straight and blaming the mothers/cooks as the number 1 reason the cemeteries are loaded with dead babies. Always pointing at the cook.
Regardless, those who pointed the most, died the same ages as those who drank and smoke all their lives----none seem to have corrected their own death.
So this leads to ONE FACT TO ALL----each is born 1 on one with GOD and you ALL will live and die one on one with GOD---not 1 moment more will you get----you will learn what you must, we all will.
Most adults hate what I call BOOK I, because it makes us all point the finger at our selves---period. It is a mild book actually.
I came to 1 fact some years back:
We humans were created to live hundreds if not thousands of years and not mature enough to mate until age 120. People who die prematurely die from being poisoned. Those like Clark and many others who write and instruct people to consume acids, vitamins, metals are all demons seeking to "trick" humans into swallowing poisons, because once toxic, outside spirits can easily enter and take over the human body and they always seem to want it to suffer a horrible death.
I see most americans being poisoned to death slowly and eventually those around them starve them to death as a way to kill them / rob them or just have medical o/d them on morphine or the in home care nurse leaves extra dope and the spouse kills the person or the kids kill their parent with the blessings of the doctors.
VERY RARE does a human die a natural death.
We all choose our own daily options and accept the results---THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT BOOK I TEACHES. Not one person can say they do not know what they are dying "IF" they read BOOK I, no, not one; we will all say we ate our selves to death and those that read BOOK II, III will say we were all born into war and our food/water/air have been used against us as tools of war. This is why people today refuse to read, they feel helpless and would rather not know they are in a war. it is easier to just accept our morphine and die on command.
I hate funerals for 1 simple reason, i see the walking dead line up to meet as their next friend/kind ends up in the box….it is all so ever sad to see the old people being starved to death and often been living 40+ years on the medical dope.
Some say it is all self-applied suicide and all humans just want to die and drugs is accepted way to do it. Or those that just crawl out into the woods and use a gun apply the same theory….when their pains are too great, they kill them selves…..
I have always said the creator of LAZY BOY died correctly….but on the other hand, I have known the most toxic of people to die the same manner----they set down, close their eyes and 1 minute alive, next minute dead and no one around them even noticed it happen……………just because a person is living against nature, on all the bad dope, does not mean they die in a hospital a horrible death……….no one knows when/how the quick death comes---BUT, those on the dope, laid in bed, at the mercies of others---YUP, they know and for some sad cases, they can lay in bed as a vegetable for 5+ years…..making suicide by drugs/bullet something that many consider good.
So at the end of the day, there is no right & wrong, it is OUR WAY, we lived it, we die by it. That is freedom.
Personally I see all medical as satins tools, I would rather puke my guts out and expel my dinner than swallow 1/4 of 1 aspirin. I would consider any human trying to give my child a daily vitamin as a demon trying to poison my child. That is how i look at every poison---1 by 1 they seek to harm the brain/soul and control of your body. That is just me based on what I have seen in my lifetime…to me, poisons are very real and the air force sprays us all like bugs everyday world wide, same as food/drink manufactures deliberately poison all they make by design and I would feel like I was in death row if I was forced to consume city water.
I have seen people die via victims of world war 3, period, it is all around us every day of the year……..
I agree with Dr. John R. Christopher; that herbs have never failed anyone, people fail them selves; we all do. The same with Dr. Hay, he trained each human in 14 days the truth about death and these people never returned to his clinic, because when they left, they knew the truth and they accepted their death in exchange for their habits…..period; we all do.
OTHERWISE we would all do as the Bible Monks said----WALK AWAY, return to NATURE, turn to GOD.
We are living in the end times, nearing the times of Noah and some, such as William Branham, predicted his children would live to see the end via LA sliding into the Pacific….all anyone knows is that it has happened over and over and over again in earth history.
Life and death is an education. Those that say the hell with life, ignore God and seek the world. Something that dates back to the beginning of mankind.
Cold & Hot we all make a choice and warm is always a dead end road for all. 99.999% today take the warm road thanks to their public school education and all the fears installed by the colleges/governments….evil controls all that obeys fear.
To walk away is something none do…..so best to be born poor in some jungle and never have anything to walk away from and that is why people enter, find the free people and make sure they all have 1 color tv per village and cell phones….when the last free person has been poisoned, no doubt LA will slip into the Pacific. Also look for when the car drives its self---we are witnessing the scientist rushing in the end times….their education drives them to do it...
PS, a name is never needed, what ONE PERSON does never matters, the truth will never change, nature is permanent. All stories are just an education for the future generations to know what not to do. The name of the person is irrelevant in the end. The truths have been known for better than 100 years, so every story written after the facts, are examples of those that tried to bend the rules and we all bend them to the max..some get second chances, others do not. Some die before they are born, others die at age 100+……..IF WE DIE PAIN FREE, then that story is worth learning. Other wise we are examples of our own choices/family past, war and nothing more. WAR IS HELL, ask anyone. We all are being poisoned daily 24/7 with so many things, it is truly a wonder anyone is still alive. WE HUMANS ARE HARD TO KILL.
Many Blessings