I still drink coffee on occasion and I enjoy it much more when I do. Before my first MC, I was a pot a day drinker (minimum) so you can imagine the withdrawal I had on my first MC. This was a 20 year addiction, so I was quite pleased with myself when I kicked it. My first Master-Cleanse was at the end of August 2003, and I still drink coffee periodically. I am NOT addicted, though, which is the best thing. I used to HAVE to have several cups before I left the house, now I drink it when I feel like it. I really don't think it is that great for you, but my motto is progress, not perfection.
BTW, I also kicked smoking after my Master-Cleanse this spring when I had two cigarettes on day 8 or 9 and felt DEATHLY ill the following day detoxing from those two cigs. That was all it took to make me quit it forever - just remembering how ill I felt afterwards.