Re: Candida Part 1
Hello 123320,
Thanks for reading!
I buy groceries once a week. Store em in the fridge. Coconuts I usually keep in a large basket on the kitchen counter.
You can read all about my symptoms and things I've tried in the past in some of my earlier posts.
I would be very willing to post some recipes, they'll be coming up soon ;)
My diet has changed tremendously over my recovery. I first noticed a significant improvement in my BO during a pretty extreme vegan, liquid diet. I experimented with that for a while, switching a few things around, then jumped over to a chia based diet.
Right now, it's very similar to the one I posted, minus the chicken and avocado.
I've learned not to recommend any "extreme" (difficult?) diets because people simply don't follow them. Also because I'm aware that not everyone's bodies are the same, and I wouldn't want anybody to get hurt. This is just a precaution however, our bodies can handle a lot more than we give them credit for.... in the case of diet it's really the mind that holds us back.
Listen, this is by no means the only diet that works... and you know that for some people it won't work at all.
The real reason I post is to take action and contribute to the community - a community that is largely afflicted with depression, misery and hopelessness. Every day you see newcomers posting something like, "what the hell is wrong with me!?" and resident members confessing that they experienced another terrible day.
And yet, I don't believe that everyone is serious about their recovery. Sometimes, I still see the same people I talked to years ago, asking "what are the best foods to eat" or claiming that they would go on a diet if this or that.
It's like people don't want to get better... that's understandable, as when we're depressed we tend to use food for comfort. What I'm trying to do is get people in that active mindset. We need to know that we can improve, that there is good ways to beat this, and that a few months of effort is worth the life of happiness (in this case, no terrible odor).
You mentioned years of dieting with no improvements.... there are some people who will not get better, regardless of diet. They are a very small minority however, and the more likely scenario is that those who didn't benefit from diets weren't eating the right ones. Maybe they were eating "healthy," but not tailored to their specific needs.
Out of all the people I've talked to about this, I haven't met a single one who didn't cheat. Seriously, these are people who claim to be on the verge of suicide, and somehow don't have the strength to skip the comfort food on a Sunday night. It's sad and depressing for all parties involved. The truth of the matter is that if you are dealing with FBO, at NO point should anything even remotely, suspiciously, or in any possible way unhealthy even come close to your mouth. Nobody, not one person that I've talked to has stuck to a diet 100% for more than a month. That talks a lot about the heart of the issue.
The way I see it, if you consider it a "diet" you will fail. If you see it as your new way of eating (long term) and stop thinking about when and if you can eat junk again, you'll be much happier and more focused on the positive outcomes.
But If people take away only one thing from my posts - that with effort come results - it's worth it.
The link between FBO and yeast overgrowth is, as I tried explaining, centered on our gut. For the most part it's well researched. Haha, I'm really not sure how to explain it at the moment as that was sort of the whole point of the post XD I know it was too long and maybe too sloppy to understand at times.
You're right, the presence of Candida itself is extremely common, that was also mentioned. Maybe I could answer your questions if you told me what specifically about the Candida-FBO relationship you didn't understand? All the information is there.
On a different note, I often wondered why people that found a 'cure' didn't come back to repost and 'help' others. Now that I'm trying to do that, I can see why :P there's a certain nihilistic force on these forums that sucks you in and drags you down.
At the end of the day the only people that can help you is yourself (not you specifically, in general I mean) it sucks that some people will never get better,many will die just as they lived.
But I'll continue to post, it helps me remember what I've been through. This disease, this condition, taught me to live.