Hello Whyme42. I commend you on this post must have taken an inordinate amount of time to do all this research and stuff so respect for the time and effort taken. I do have a few questions though.
First and foremost; what were all your symptoms? What is the connection between candida and fecal odor? I mean surely in this day and age with bad diets everywhere candida and other types of bacterial infections for it to biofilm are a dime a dozen when it comes to gut health. Also it's not something that's mentioned normally by people who "claim" to suffer from gut permeability. In regards to the veggies you eat where/how often do you get them and how long are you able to store them? Would you be willing to write a meal plan breakfast lunch dinner etc because your diet plan(although really detailed) doesn't really lay out how you should consume and when. How often do you have to do go through the diet for? Having spoken to quite a few people in the past who have tried similar diets for months/years without success it is an incredible ask, i remember doing a candida diet a few years back and wanting to kill myself it was so hard.
Anyways sorry for all the questions and again well done for the effort you've gone to here.