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Hashi's, or no Hashi's?
Fan Man Views: 1,208
Published: 10 y

Hashi's, or no Hashi's?

Just got my results back regarding my hypothyroid issues, and I am getting happier all the time, or should I?

Here are the results:

Test. Result. // Range

Free T4 (LOW) .74 // .84 - 1.77
Free T3. 2.7 // 2.0 - 4.4
Rev T3. 11 // 9.2 - 24.1
TSH (High) 23.78 // .450 - 4.500
TGab (High) 1.9 // 0.0 - 0.9
TPOab >6 // 0 - 34

Reason I am happiest is because 2 years ago my antibodies
we're much higher. I was diagnosed with Hashi's and sent to an Allopathic Endo who led me down the well intentioned road to Hell. Put me on three different brands of synthetic T4 medicine, each one costing progressively more than the last one, and each one making me want to crawl out of my skin.
Then I went on dessicated bovine thyroid, against my Endos wishes. Big deal. I might fire her next week.
All the while telling me nothing could be done about my thyroid antibodies. They weren't as high as some I've heard of, both under 50, but high none the less.
That was all I needed to hear, tell me I can't do something and I go to work trying to find a way. That is how I wound up here.
I have been pulsing with Lugol's 5%, salt pushing and taking all the recommended co sups. Eliminated processed foods, all dairy, cut way back on glutin and found a book about eating right for your blood type. Seems glutin is everywhere....
Meanwhile I had all my Amalgams removed from my mouth.
The way I am reading my report, the TGab are responsible for my low T4, and my low T4 is responsible for my high TSH. So if I can get rid of those last few TGab's I may be getting my thyroid back in order.

Anyway's I just wanted to say thanks to all the knowledgable people here I have been following for the last year and a half or so, and you know who you are, and share some good news with you all. I may have glossed over a few things, but it has been a long uphill battle.
So if any of you have any thoughts about what I might do to get rid of these pesky little antibodies that are still lurking about, I am all ears and would love to hear from you.

Thanks again, and God Bless.



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