I have a small book from this man. he said fast changes into material world is a problem to that which no sooner one holds something to experience it or to feel the real good in it, it is changed and not allowed to be formed in reality.
So the material world is the belief of illusion to desire the unsatisfiable with the senses that makes the physical planet earth. what kind of a spirit can be in a body to the one who wants to live the truth?
The ghost, greedy rageful cruel intense one wanting to live outside his body not to know its harm on itself but on others and question are better than answers. do one want a cog of a huge wheel for the king who is ready to refuse you and chase away from his home to another circle for a smaller cog, a share because he is for you full of care. the little me and you seen like ants to their wonderful society. in heaven, in wonderful imagination.
and see also some of the comments, some that makes incredible sense.
if you folk enjoy to know the arrows pointing to reality. words showing where we are who we are and am i and you, and some future somewhere. looking for para-dice or a cog as protection or salt for salvation. you are the salt of the earth. the particle of god.