Re: long duration fast results for injuries
I had chronic shoulder and wrist pains that were threatening to put an end to my passion for whitewater canoeing. After my first 40 day
Master-Cleanse hasta la vista baybeh!! Pain was gone yeowsa!!
Of course I have followed up with more cleanses and a good diet and regular excersise. To this day still no pain.Every now an then I get a minor wrist discomfrot and it's usally when I've been backsliding a bit so it's my signal to tow the line and I will usually do a
Liver Flush soon after. It is my understanding that
Liver Flushes help with joint issues.
I had chronic shoulde and wrist pains that were threatrning to put an end to my passion for white water canoeing after my first 40 day
Master-Cleanse hasta la vista baybeh!! Pain was gone yeowsa!!
Of course I have followed up wit more cleanses and a good diet and regular excersise. To this day still no pain.Every now an then I get a minor wrist discomfrot and it's usally when I've been backsliding a bit so it's my signal to tow the line and I will usually do a
Liver Flush soon after. It is my understanding that
Liver Flushes help with joint issues.