Bro! Please dont do this method! save your self the pure hassle and discomfort phyically and mentally from this. it doesnt work one guy has said it worked and took him 4 years! go on daniel millers site he did it for well over a year and nothing! if anything follow healings advise do the leave it alone method but constantly keep it moist! ec is most likely a form of eczema or dermatitis caused by who knows what but possibly allergy (environment or food) stress, trauma maybe the asthma allregy eczema gene runs in family etc etc but for the love of it mate dont waste your time! its brutal and 99% of people dont see success name one true case with proff that it worked. why not follow geniune cure claims and massive improvenment claims off people who we think are genuine posters... lees, snow, daniki, healing, montreal check these guys methods out and try theres. i wasnt going to bother posting but you seem young and it reminded me of what i thought when i was 20 it doesnt work and was one of the worse times in my life the few months i tried it. Please re-think your plan read and research more posters on this forum. im not telling you what to do and if you want to go ahead with the leave it alone method do it but all im asking is for you to check out dan miller ssite and look what happened when he tried leaving his alone for a whole dam year! if you decide to go ahead with it good luck and stay strong!