Re: Magnets, cats, iodine and mange
Hi Illys, please keep us updated with your kitten; if Ted`s mange cure works or not.
I have supplemented my cats with a tiny amount of
Iodine and borax in their water for many years now + a couple of drops of magnesium oil.
Vit B is good for the skin, just sprinkle a little from a capsule in her food.
A great catfood (kibbles) called Canagan which is grain free, 70% protein from meat; caused a much more energetic cat lately. Also some raw liver now and again (copper, zinc, vit B etc) Raw egg yolk is a good treat too.
PS. Selenium 100 mcg is a big dose for a little cat. I would not do that too often. I give them 50 mcg once a month maximum.
Also check out
Colloidal Silver for cats; I saved a kitten in Greece some years back with it + salt water baths for its skin ailment.