Re: Lecithin in the liver, cell death ,cirrhosis
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This very informative message cleared things up for me and has given me a much greater understanding of how my liver functions. This in turn, will help me to make better decisions about how to help heal my liver in the future.
When you say, "Liver cells low in lecithin fill up with fat and then die." And " that lack lecithin and choline start to have liver cell death,"
This "liver cell death," is that what cirrhosis is? If so, do you think that it would be possible to improve cirrhosis with a lot of lecithin and choline?
Is there an amount that is too much?
I want to do a liver flush, as well as take Liposomal Vitamin C in large amounts, (made with lecithin) but have been worried that it might be too much because I only have 15% function of my liver due to cirrhosis.
I have been unable to take oral vitamins because of ulcers, IBS, Diverticulosis. Have no energy and a lot of pain. Any knowledge you may wish to share on this topic would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration. And thank you to anyone else who might want to share as well. ty
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