I think I have finally cured my Erectile Dysfunction. I've had a great week with teenage erections.
Boosting Nitric Oxide had a dramatic effect on my blood pressure + heart rate, and definitely helped with ED. A true MIRACLE. Unfortunately, ED returned after weeks of success.
v1agra also boosts Nitric Oxide, but focuses on special penis blood veins in a different way. So in desperation, I ordered v1agra from Canada $1.02 per 100 mg pill qty 90, (no Rx ) and I cut it in half. This little sliver of v1agra was all it took to get teenage erections.
So boosting Nitric Oxide with argenine/citruline and adding a sliver of v1agra is proving to be a dual miracle. I hope this does not fade away like other treatments I have tried. Fingers crossed.