wanted something more in love with Him
than angels
Angel is an improper word
it just means 'messanger'
so fools are those who don't examine the message most thoroughly
Whether from men or spirits
Biblicaly the account is of angels in a power-hungry struggle and a rebellion in the 3rd heaven against their maker, and a fall of 1/3rd of the Host (the angelic servants of many different functions)
Folk forget to understand that there's still 2/3rds of the host in service of YHWH, but the Word's the measure of a message, not the pretty sparkly nicey-niceness of the messanger.
I had my thoughts on Matt 24 ( http://biblehub.com/matthew/24-37.htm ) on the business of the state of mankind- parallels between the state of the hearts, minds and depths of darkness that surfaced before ze flood, and those trends we see today.
Mind it's easy to see how the business has unfolded through american history and european, but I see no beasts quite as nicely organized as the ones you research and report on.
Are angels as created beings as capable of the position and relationship of a son or daughter to a Father?
That ponderance plays in my head at times.
And the business of having grown up in the education system of babylon..