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Image Embedded Re: the big picture

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: the big picture

The full blossoming of the autistic-spectrum rainbow at last!

( )

So which direction is ze corps pushing us?

Transhumanisim is a scary prospect.

"I don't think angels are what people make them out to be"
(extract from another trapper post)

Your sobriety delights me.

// Gird up thy loins, for to Babylon we ride~

My thoughts are that the migration back to babel is a bit of a multi-participant dance- humans in one aspect, the Fallen angels now-come-dieties (of which you mentioned), and that innate push for self-deification which is so popular..

Washington (George) was well warned.

"Sen. John Hoeven, R-North Dakota, read the first president's warning against the loss of religion in public life.

As Washington prepared to leave office, he told the country that "religion and morality are indispensable supports" to America's political health.

More than 200 years later, atheists and leftists are fighting a constant battle to remove the influence of religion from the marketplace of ideas.

Two major battles over faith have captured headlines in recent months.

On one front, the Obama administration has been trying to force pro-life ministries and Christian-owned businesses to pay for abortive drugs and services for their employees through Obamacare."

The money trails are easy to follow,
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 ...


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