Hi DL! Congrats with dry fasting. I did one last week for 2.5 days about 65 hours (that was my first time). I am on my second attempt at dry fasting. I'm at 45 hours right now. I totally know what you mean about forgetting about food when DF since you think more about water. Interestingly, my first couple of days DF last week was such a good experience that I actually preferred it to water fasting. I wasn't hungry and hardly felt thirst. But this time things were different. I picked up a cold/virus and thought that it was a good opportunity to test DF and see how quickly it would heal my body. Well, this round was much rougher. I will definitely go through with this till tomorrow. Mentally I want to go beyond what I did the last time. It be nice to hit 72 hours and make it officially 3 days completed but we shall see what tomorrow will bring. Urine was more concentrated and stronger in odor the first DF last week. This one is not as much. I do daily trips to dry/wet sauna to help sweat out toxins and raise my core temp. Like you, I use an electric blanket. I'm underneath it now at "high". Congrats again with your fasting journey.