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So here is also the text:
72 hrs in, last 24 hrs dry fast. These 24 hrs were quite challenging. My instincts were playing tricks - when my focus was elsewhere I seem to have poured a glass of water, this one I did not drink because my focus shifted to the glass, but I remember at one point before that having the sensation of having watery-wet lips (whereas today they are always warm-dry), I might have cheated subconsciously with 200 ml of water, lol.
Ketones 8 mmol/l.
H/A and sinus pain tolerable but very gnawing; I only forget it when I work on a business task.
I was seated quite a few hours today behind the computer, then again working about 2 hrs in bed with the laptop.
BP 106/74 laying down HR 80
BP 156/97 shortly after moving around the room with respective HR 81
It is good that the pressure compensates instead of rising HR more.
I lost 2 kg (or 4 lbs) in the last 24 hrs, while I hadn't lost any in the previous 48 hrs of WF.
Urine very concentrated and smelly, sweat doesn't smell - I think I stopped sweating. I was cold for a while, then laid on my hot blanket for the last 4 hrs at 41 degree
Celsius and felt pretty content temperature-wise.
I had always water in mind, even while working it popped now and then ... if you want to forget food during your WF, just do a 12 to 24 hrs DF, the only thing coming to your mind would be water, LOL.
About to break the fast either now after few more water cups, or tomorrow morning.
Will follow up on weight and ketones for 2 more days - evening/maybe mornings too. Just curious, not that it matters that much in a short fast.