Re: Weapons Of Mite Destruction
Hello again, it's been a long time. Back for an update.
The good news: my skin is so much better, I've actually been able to go swimming for the first time in years! So happy!
The bad news: I still have a few areas that are not fully clear. Hairline, back of neck, a few spots on upper arms, lower legs.I know, unbelievable. But I was infected for years and covered in many generations, just layers of them.
This scabies species, whichever one it is, is really persistent. When I think these areas are cleared and healed, I'll get a small red itchy spot and the next day, a lesion.
This whole situation has been enough to drive anyone bat##it crazy. I'm amazed I haven't lost my mind.
Okay, most recent Protocols.
I stopped using the Ivermectin. It helped me clear the worst and most severe areas of the infection, but I started to get very concerned with the side effects I was experiencing; the light sensitivity and blurred vision. The light sensitivity would reduce later the same day, but re-occur with the next dose. It just started to scare me a lot, it's such a weird and serious side effect.
I did do two full courses of the CDC Ivermectin Protocol, and a few random weeks on my own, before I learned about CDC protocol.
I have switched off Benzemul for another sulphur lotion, which I mix up myself. (I've had some success with Benzemul, but it can feel quite unpleasant on the skin because it reacts with water, or moisture.)
4TBSP Glaxal Base Cream* (neutral carrier)
2 TSP Sulphur Powder**
Mix well in a clean container. Try not to use metal measuring spoons or stirs.
*Can use 2TBSP Cetaphil Cream AND 2TBSP Eucerine instead of Glaxal Base
**Sulphur Powder. It has been my experience that Precipitated Sulphur powder works better than Sublimed sulphur powder. HANDLE SULPHUR POWDER carefully. Don't breathe it.
Been applying this Sulphur lotion twice a day with good results.
4 TBSP quality hair conditioner (organic, coconut base, etc. you can leave on scalp overnight)
2TSP Sulphur** Powder.
Mix well.
Apply to scalp before bed, especially on lesions. Don't over do it, you DON'T want it in your eyes. IMPORTANT: wear disposable shower cap to bed. Do NOT wear this lotion to bed unless you wear your hair covered with the cap, you don't want lotion on your pillow or in eyes.
SULPHUR LOTION (Crotch & bad lesions)
4 TBSP Zinc Oxide diaper rash cream
2 TSP Sulphur** Powder
Mix well. Yes scabies are in crotch areas. I also put this on really bad lesions
WARNING: all the Sulphur lotions smell weird, and you will NEVER get the Sulphur smell out of clothes or sheets. Do not wear your best clothing or use your best linen, if possible.
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT KNOW what the long term effect of using Sulphur cream is.
I use the Sulphur creams for about 3 weeks, then I stop and do about a week of
for some reason, I find this works better than the Canadian one. I take a break from the Sulphur and use this, everywhere, including inside nose.
Noxzema Original contains Camphor and Menthol. It inhibits scabies. Seems to lose effectiveness after a few days, though, so then I switch to:
Essential Oil lotion, use that for about 3 weeks.
Then back to Sulphur lotion for 3 weeks.
I've posted an earlier version of Essential Oil lotion. I keep working on it and trying to improve it. It's basically about 4% clove Essential Oil boosted to killing strength with a few other E.O.s (6% Clove oil kills scabies, but also causes chemical burns to the skin.)