First day - worst ever - projectile vomiting!
Yesterday was the first day of my sixth
Master-Cleanse and it was horrible!
I was okay until early afternoon, and then I started feeling extremely nauseous. I drank more water and more of the lemon drink, but that seemed to make things worse. I barely made it to the bathroom, where I proceeded to projectile vomit everything I had drunk in the last hour or so. But vomiting did make me feel quite a bit better, so after a few minutes I drank more water and more lemon drink. On the drive home, I felt really sick agaim and had to pull over and vomit again! Geez. I felt like a teenager who has had too much to drink! I was expecting a cop to stop and check me out.
When I finally made it home, after taking care of the dogs I went straight to bed where I drifted in and out of sleep for about nine hours. I got up and had a successful SWF, and I do feel quite a bit better today although still somewhat headachey and nauseous. I have been able to keep down the lemon drink, but I did not add the cayenne this morning but I will add it this afternoon. I DO NOT RECOMMEND LEAVING OUT THE CAYENNE for anyone else, I am just trying it one time this morning without cayenne so if I add it this afternoon, and then vomit again, I can be pretty sure that it is the cayenne that is causing the vomiting.