Re: Can't Get Rid of Folliculitis Decalvans
I was in the same situation but i leave the classic
Antibiotic cure cause that debilitate my immunitary sistem, and it is absurd cause a good immunitary sistem is so important for fight that infection.
I presume that the biopsy tell you that you hace stpah aureus in your head pustols.
I try and still diong it, the kefir with milk, and that help me so much, dont solve totally the problem but help me to find a stable better situation.
You can find lot of infoes on the web about kefir, and if you need it for starting a production i can send to you for free...
Now i starting to use a combination of natural
Antibiotics , gse tabs + garling tabs + tamneric tabs ... still dont know if will rn but for sure they dont kill my immunitary sistem like the
Antibiotics did in the past.
I use also put calendula on my head, or thea tree oil, or ammunica gel...that can help my scalp when are under big attack.
I have a question for you, when you shaved your head do your situation improves?
Sorry for my worst english...
Keep in touch and let me know if u find something that run.