Infected root canal removed, notes on lugol's/type 1 plus 2 diabetes, looking for SSKI recipie.
root canal tooth is out!
General case report is here:
Just following up the thread I made.
Still some issues with using
Lugol's here, even using it topically (very absorbant skin) such as a minor headche, but I /really/ love it. My bottle of 30% (nice and brown) goes with me everywhere. I think the heavy ratio of elemental I to
KI is the problem (15mg i / 30mg Ki).
Och, arg, great, more flea/mosquito bites! More excuses to dribble
Lugol's and borax all over the place. o.O!
It's time for me to order new. I'm still looking for Trapper's
SSKI recipe since I live in el-EU-itania.
If anyone can link me up, it'd be a blessing! I'd like to go the whole neodynium magnet nine-yards.
any future readers: Go high on selenium and a completely clean diet first for 2-3 months before you highdose the
Iodine if you have type 1 or 2 diabetes! The big D means candida issues and leaky gut and skin out the yingyang, so get in gear, read about the roles of Butyrate in insulin production, the way it tightens epithelial cells (skin and gut lining), and also educate through and through on the
Iodine cofactors!