Big thanks, iodine big help coming back from heavy thrush from infected root canal
I wanted to give Trapper, Ferventer, Ginagirl, Newport and others a big thanks for replying to and at points correcting me on the details of
Iodine supplementation here about two years ago.
Without clear knowledge of the intricacies of the
Iodine co-nutrients, I'd still be stumped!
Dental cleanup still continues here, but the last bits are the removal of a root canal. (Appt 2 weeks from now)
Iodine together with plenty of K2, the co-nutrients and TMG has been clearing up brainfog, lack of appetite, issues with sleep, and bringing back salivation, sense of smell, and speeding healing during this winter's session of thrush.
To any other diabetics, type 1&2, take
Iodine seriously, and read this forum through and through. It's a lifeguard in a storm.