10 y
Re: Coffee enemas -- insomnia anyone?
HI Monroe,
Sorry for the delay, I never saw the message:)
I just don't know if this is the best way to get b12. Most people need it, it is supposed to be made in the small intestine by human specific microflora, but God knows we all don't have perfect guts in this world, so even meat eaters have a very high rate of insufficiency which is really a serious problem.
It does so many things, without it, we won't propery detoxify at a cellular level. It can cause nerve problems, brain problems, it's just amazing.
I would not rely on the tests, sadly. They just don't tell the whole picture as you seemed to have picked up on already, they can be skewed by supplementation.
B12 supping is really an advanced graduate degree course:) I am still learning so much. All I can suggest is that sublingual has become the gold standard and that Enzymatic Therapy is supposed to be the best. Start low and slow, this is no easy task.
Read up on Freddd's active b12 protocol on Phoenix Rising. There you will see a lot of sick people getting better on it and some struggling to find their way. It can be a miraculous healer, so check it out:)
Good luck to you:)