Because you know a lot about B12, would you happen to know how a person could tell if she is absorbing B12 properly? I'd like to figure out if the yogurt enemas are helping in that regard. My B12 has been high in blood tests for the last couple of years, probably because I take a B complex supplement, but I seem to have chronic low iron.
I don't eat meat (but I'm not vegan) and I think I have a biofilm problem that is impeding iron absorption. Taking iron was disastrous for me so I've stopped and take liquid chlorophyll instead, and took lactoferrin for a while, but read that a person shouldn't take lactoferrin for an extended period of time.
I'm very intrigued with the idea of absorbing B12 through the intestine above the colon, and hence yogurt enemas. Apparently that's the best place to absorb B12 as orally and sublingually isn't so great.