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Re: Does anyone else feel chronically: Heavy, rundown, bogged down??
joegrane Views: 1,482
Published: 10 y
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Re: Does anyone else feel chronically: Heavy, rundown, bogged down??

"What did u use to detox HMs?

== I chose Cutler's protocol. It seems to be the safest effective method for lead, arsenic and mercury. You can learn more about it at this link and the link in the previous post.

Could you describe the process of it and how you felt along the way?

== This varies to some extent from person to person. A few people feel better in some ways while taking chelation related medication and supplements; however most seem to report a modest increase in some symptoms during their 3 days of treatment every week or two.

== A modest increase in fatigue and brain fog is very common. For example, a close friend sleeps better while on round but is more sluggish during the day. She can drive, shop, etc. I was not comfortable working while detoxing. I could get away with starting mid afternoon on Friday and ending in the pre dawn hours on Monday.

The main thing that is going on with me right now is that my sleep is still unrefreshing.
I can sleep for 9 hours and still wake up tired, groggy all day long.

== Things to try for sleep include melatonin--start with low dose of < 1mg, magnesium, theanine and very careful diet in the evenings.

== So much more could be said!


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