When I was hypo thyroid, I also had some "hyper" T symptoms in between; like a racing heart,insomnia,nervousness. These symptoms are also at the hypo T list.. So the difference I found by monitor the body temperature for a full month or two.
In general I find the body symptoms much easier to comprehend/adjust, than tests.
"I have observed that at least 50% of thyroid patients who come to thyroid groups or forums have a VERY “normal” TSH, even as low as the one’s…with raging hypothyroid symptoms. It seems to take years for the TSH lab result to rise and reflect their hypothyroid state. Not only has the man-made TSH lab been a total failure for diagnosis of hypothyroid for many, it fails the patient even on thyroid supplementation! We can only hope that doctors will start paying attention to “clinical presentation”!"