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Re: First Hypothyroid, Now Hyperthyroid
I would say slowly go down to one drop a day, if it is liquid form of Iodine, otherwise cut your pills in halves and quarters. I do not trust the tests done today by the medical world about our thyroids and/or urine analysis. You can figure out at what dosage you are comfortable. Do not be on a seasaw of hypo and hyper thyroid, we need
Iodine on daily basis. There are other factors that also make us hypo or hyper check into those as well.
My example is opposite of yours. I was on
Lugol's for 10 years and then I changed my doctor who does not believe in drugs, "first work on your thoughts" is his theory and then natural medications. He will give you drugs only if he feels that you must have them in order to get you out of a dangerous siyuation. But he did my urine analysis and told me to stop Lugol's. I did stop for almost one year and now I have become hypo. I have started
Lugol's again 100mg per day.
We are all different and should know our own body and listen to what it is telling us. I am doing much better with Lugol's, my body temp is fine now, which was not that great for a few weeks before I started
Lugol's again.
I am looking into trying Porcine Glandular Thyroid after reading so many messages here and on other websites. Perhaps you can look into it as well. Look for Trapper's posts, he has links about PGT.