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Re: Understanding dreams that predict the future
malaroo Views: 1,341
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Re: Understanding dreams that predict the future

Hi there Charkee

Thanks for your reply, I'd given up expecting anyone to reply. You make some interesting points, for example,

Beyond this life there is no past and future and concurrent.

I am curious,
How did you come to that conclusion? I would have thought time is time and now is now. I'm very interested in your reply. Also, when you say,

you are able to open this portal in the dreaming state.

What do you imagine we have access too and how would we know that we have accessed it? My reaction to that is that you are saying we have access to all that has and will happen on earth. (and possibly the universe, or universes). If that is what you have discovered please explain how you found that. I'd love to hear what you have say and I will respond.

The dreams don't always come true, the future changes according to the choices we make in the present. They are not written in stone.

That makes sense to me.

Since you have this ability, likely you have other abilities such as a well developed intuition or empathic senses?

I find I do have intuition on things that I have developed within myself, (I think we all have that) for example if I am trying to solve a problem, I seem drawn to the answer (which might be hidden) but I know where to look and and do find the answer. Ofcourse there could have been answers in other places, but quite often I have then searched for a better answer and found that was the only one on the whole property, yet I went to the spot straight away. I think that's like the dream, there is a connection of what happens in our heads and what is out there.

And by all means pay attention to your dreams. Avoid the fines :)

I got fined $360 each time, it was a long time ago, I have since been fined for similar things, unlicenced on an Easter Sunday, because my licence ran out on Easter Friday, I thought that was a bit rough, other than that very few fines in a lifetime.
Sorry for this is a late reply, I haven't checked in for weeks. I will check in regularly now.

thanks Charkee


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