Understanding dreams that predict the future
I've had dreams that predict the future and have been looking for a no nonsense explanation. I couldn't find it on the net, so I came up with this explanation. Go ahead make my day and tell me that my ideas are non sense but give me a more sensible explanation, an explanation that does make sense.
My dream
I dreamt that a Policeman pulled me up and booked me for having an unregistered car (my car was registered). That morning I told the person I lived with about the dream. Off I went to work, sure enough a cop on the side of the road waves me down and books me for having an unregistered car. My car was registered interstate. A week later I had a similar dream, a cop pulls me over and charges me for driving my car. Again over breakfast I tell the person I lived with and drive off to get a roadworthy to change the registration and you guessed it a different cop in a different place pulls me over and books for driving an unregistered car, because it was still registered interstate. A few days later, the same happened again, this time on the way to get the car registered at the motor registry. The cop told me they were having a blitz on interstate registrations at the moment and he had heard about me previously being booked. I should have made appointments and I wouldn't have been fined .... Oh well we live and learn.
Anyway I got thinking, three dreams in a row that clearly predicted the future, it was no fluke. What logical explanation could I come up with to explain this?
My explanation:
In each case, the night before I had made plans to drive in the morning to somewhere on a certain road. The road choices I had were defined by the task. Each cop would have been assigned that roadside position or zone and planned to be there at the time I was to be there and it would have been in his mind the night before. (he was probably lying in bed chuckling to himself about the poor unsuspecting interstate drivers he was going to catch).
All we need to explain the dreams is a connection of our plans (mine and the cops) for the next day because they are corresponding or relevant to each other and that connection to be able to create the dream. Very simple. Your brain recieves information through your senses, so lets say you are looking at something, it then becomes part of you in your brain (mind). So if you have an intention, it becomes part of you, it exists as an intention. According to that intention is where and what you will be doing when you act on that intention. If that intention corresponds to someone else's intentions and there is a relevant interaction, then that equals a predictable result. Its like this ......
Intention of person 1 me: I will be driving my car to get a roadworthy check tomorrow morning. (this means I will be driving on such and such a road with my car that has interstate number plates).
Intention of person 2 the Policeman: I will be on such and such a road tomorrow morning pulling over all cars that have interstate registrations.(this means all cars with interstate plates will be checked).
The result from an interaction of those two intentions is: my car with its interstate plates will be pulled over tomorrow morning if I drive on the road to the roadworthy mechanic, and unless I have documentation to justify my situation I will be fined by Mr Policeman.
That result then triggers off a dream. Pretty simple really and I guess the same concept can explain the feelings we get when embarking on a mission that we feel so wrong in pursuing, which ends in tragedy.
So what do you think?