The MOritz protocol (that I have been using, get the book) is 4tbls Epsom Salts in 3 cups of water. Take 3/4 cup at 6pm, another at 8 pm. Take 1/2 cup of olive oil (extra virgin) and 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice mixed together at 10PM then lie down immediately on your back for at least 1/2 hour, or just fall asleep.
The week or two leading up to the flush you can drink a litre of organic apple juice each day or take malic acid to soften the 'stones'. Then on the day of the flush eat fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch (basically anything without oil) and then NOTHING after 2pm.
Then the morning after the flush have another 3/4 cup of Epsom Salts at 6am then one at 8am then after an hour or so some fresh squeezed juice some fruits if you feel like it.