Re: Liver Cleanse - I don't know if I should try again
Thanks for the feedback. So I get that I need to do more than three, but to be honest I worry about how painful they are and how nauseous I get.
My problem also is that nothing comes out when I do the flushes. I have a hard time as in I get constipated and backed up. Drinking the oil/juice mixture literally makes me want to puke more than anything.
I have read you are supposed to drink the mixture then lay down immediately, but now I've read another cleanse that says you are supposed to be up and walking for 2 hours after you drink it?
I'm not sure which I should do.
Would you recommend doing more
Epsom Salts to move things through my digestive tract?
And how frequently should I do the flushes? I had done the three of them, 2 were back to back as I had an "incomplete" flush, and the 3rd was a couple months later.
I'll be honest even to this day I don't use much olive oil. It makes me nauseated just thinking about drinking it again. Any tips to ease that? How fast do you drink the mixture?
Thank you!