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Re: your comments, please
ohfor07 Views: 1,116
Published: 10 y
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Re: your comments, please

There ARE strange things that have gone on in this world. If any if them are able to permeate the fabric of used clothing to the extent of being able to pass on to a subsequent person after having spent time adorning the body of a person or similar entity ( "original owner/wearer" as it were ) of questionable spiritual history, then one must also consider ..... worry about in the case of Pat and like-minded people, other items people wear after they were used by a prior person, entity. For instance, the letters people use to speak, write or otherwise act out words. Most people do not know the history of the letters they use to form words "spelling" , which are ancient symbols that originated with some previous user/owner ... do not these also carry malignant spirits? Likewise with cards, playing cards, tarot cards, people playing card games are merely reusing other ancient symbols whether or not they know they are passing on malevolent spirits .... right, Pat?



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